Sunday, October 7, 2007

recent agrresive India

Last month I saw a match that totally made me go jubilant and jumping around my house up and down. Well I am talking about the Twenty20 match between India and Australia. Although no doubt that India and Pakistan was very special in the win against the Australians, not because they are the best but cause they are the best and biggest bullies on the field and sometimes off it too. When shreesanth took the wickets of Hayden and Gilcrist he really made very very proud by just showing that he was actually not bullied by them.

But since then every time I have come across the newspaper I am disappointed to see him and others being criticized for the same thing that made me so proud of him.
Well now I need to ask all of India Is he doing anything wrong or different from what the Australians do??? The only thing different is that in the Australian team each and every player does it and so it gets justified as aggression, while on the other hand cause only a few of the Indian players do it they are penalized for it.

In the 2nd ODI when Symonds hit Bhaji for a 6 Hayden said something to him from the non-strikers end. Then again when shreesanth appealed for LBW for Brad Haddin , Symonds said something from the non strikers end. Did they have any right to do so?? I thought the fight of words in always between the bowler and the striker so if you are at the other end you can only do 2 things, either say it to the umpire what ever u have to say or just stand there Shut Up and wait for your turn.

And when a Indian batsman is batting then every fielder from every part of the field has got a piece of his mind to give to the batsman. Shouldn’t something be done to control that? Proof is that during the twenty20 we clearly head someone saying something to Uthappa and he just went ahead saying “ whatever you say mate.” A battle of words is fine and it should be between the batsman and the bowler not the batsman and every other member of the opposition that is there on the field at that point of time.

On one side we say great thing about films like “Chak de” and “ Rang de basanti” and praise then for their never say die attitude and their will power to fight against the wrong doings in the society, but then land up by showing our 2 face attitude by criticizing player like sheesanth and others for their same attitude. We even go ahead and say that they need anger management course(according to the survey conducted by Mumbai Mirror on the 5th of Oct). What is it fine in films but not valid for real life? Shame on all those people who show this 2 face and all those who voted in that poll.

Ricky pointing who says that they play the gentleman’s game in the most appropriate manner himself had disrespected a high profile Indian politician a few years ago in the closing presentation. In which dictionary in that act defined as gentleman’s act I do not know. He recently said that “Indians were only trying to put a brave front and that aggressive cricket was not their band of cricket.” What he means is that aggressive cricket is only their form of cricket through which they have been able to win matches. We on the other hand should just sulk under pressure and aggression they show us, not do anything about being bullied.

Well that is what the old India used to do but us, no we do things differently. All those more than 8 lakhs people who had come for the journey for the Indian team from the Mumbai air port to the stadium when India had won the Twenty20 because of this same never say die attitude and aggression. So what happened now? This is the time that team India need our support against the Australians. This is the time that we need to stand up with them and remain united and fight against being bullied.
Just like an old saying in cricket ‘ The best dot ball is the one in which you get a wicket’ so to stop someone to stop from bulling you is to bully him back.

Even Gandhiji always said not to walk past injustice, not to accept it and move on but to always always fight against it and keep doing our work also so that we can gain respect.
So Indian team go and show your aggression, even if you are fined cause we would not mind paying an extra 10Rs from your pockets to see you fighting.

Today the Australians might win the series 6-0 but the real win would be if they found to be discussing in the plan back as to the new tactics that they will have to deploy to beat the Indians the next time they face them cause by bulling and giving them tension in their mind is not going to work from now on. Today they might be better but we are improving and advancing at a much higher rate than they are.

We have the world Chess Champion from our country, are playing fantastic hokey, making amazing films and showing progress and great result in each and every field be in the stock market or the rising value of rupee or the high growth rate of our country. Indian is becoming globally recognized in each and every field and making global headline almost everyday.

The day is not far when 1Rs= 40$, when a father from a typical New York family will run down the streets of the city shouting ecstatically “ My son is going for higher studies to India, My son got a India Visa, my son is going to India….” The only choice we have is weather we would want to see such a day in the next 25 years or 50 or 100 years depending upon weather we stand up for ourselves now or not.

That is the choice or the decision we have to MAKE.